【Tokyo Walking Course】Kawagoe Castle & Kita-in Temple – 川越散策(川越城・喜多院)

Tokyo Walking Course Guide


Average Time: 4 hours
Distance: 6.5 km

About the Course – Kawagoe Castle & Kita-in Temple

Kawagoe city is located in Saitama prefecture, north of Tokyo.
The city is often called “Little Edo” after the old name of Tokyo because there are many historical buildings remained. One of the important historical buildings is Honmaru Palace. It’s a residential building of Kawagoe Castle, which was built in 1848.
Kita-in Temple is a very old temple, which has more than 1100 years history. 

Course Map

1. Kawagoe Station 川越駅
2. Kawagoe Kumano Shrine 川越熊野神社
3. Taisho Roman Dream Street 大正浪漫夢通り
4. Yamazaki Museum 山崎美術館
5. Kawagoe Old Town 蔵造りの町並み
6. Choki-in Temple 長喜院
7. Historical Clock Tower 時の鐘
8. Candy Street 菓子屋横丁
9. Site of the Moat 川越城中ノ門堀跡
10. Kawagoe Castle Honmaru Palace 川越城本丸殿
11. Miyoshino Shrine 三芳野神社
12. Site of Fujimi Watching Tower 川越城富士見櫓跡
13. Nagashima Historical House 永島家住宅(旧武家屋敷)
14. Hongyo-in Temple 成田山川越別院本行院
15. Kita-in Temple 喜多院

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