【Hiking Course Map】Mount Shiro & Kobotoke Pass – 小仏城山ハイキングコース

Tokyo Hiking Course Guide


Average Time: 4 hours
Distance: 10 km
Elevation: 670 m
Level: Upper Beginner

About the Course – Mt. Shiro & Kobotoke Pass

Mount Shiro (Shiro-yama) is located on the boundary between Tokyo and Kanagawa prefecture. To distinguish from other mountains with the same name, the mountain is also called “Kobotoke Shiro-yama”.
The trail from Mount Shiro to Mount Takao is a famous spot for Sakura view. Especially at the place called Itcho-daira in the middle of the course, you can see Sakura petals spreaded on the surface of the mountain in the middle of April.
There is a high ground called Momiji-dai next to Itcho-daira. It’s also famous for Autumn color in the fall.

Course Map

1. Takao Station 高尾駅
2. Kobotoke Bus Stop 小仏バス停
3. Asakawa Shrine 浅川神社
4. Hoshu-ji Temple 宝珠時
5. Entrance of the Trail 小仏峠入口
6. Kobotoke Pass 小仏峠
7. Memorial of Emperor Meiji 明治天皇碑
8. Observation Area 展望台
9. Shiro-yama Tea Shop 城山茶屋
10. The Summit of Mt. Shiro (Kobotoke Shiro-yama) 小仏城山山頂
11. Itcho-daira Observation Deck 一丁平展望台
12. Itcho-daira Park 一丁平園地
13. Momiji-dai High Ground もみじ台
14. Observation Area 高尾山大見晴台
15. The Summit of Mt. Takao 高尾山山頂
16. Yakuoin Shrine 薬王院飯縄権現堂
17. Yakuoin Temple 薬王院本堂
18. Buddhist Stupa 佛舎利奉安塔
19. Takaosan Cable Car Station 高尾山駅
20. Takaosanguchi Station 高尾山口駅

Course Map (Google Map)

【External Links】
Info about Mt. Takao Area
Bus Timetable – Takao Station North Exit No.2 Bus Stop