【Hiking Course Map】Kamanofuchi Riverside Prak – 青梅釜の淵公園ハイキングコース

Tokyo Hiking Course Guide


Average Time: 2 hours
Distance: 5 km
Level: Beginner

About the Course – Kamanofuchi Riverside Park

Kamanofuchi Koen is a riverside park in Ome city.
In the summer, a lot of people enjoy fishing and BBQ in the park.
The river is not suitable to swim, but you can enjoy yourself at the river with its clear and cold water.
The park is also famous for autumn color in the fall.
Around the park and Ome station, there are many old shrines, temples and museums. You should visit them.

Course Map

1. Ome Station 青梅駅
2. Ayumi Bridge 鮎美橋
3. Kyu-Miyazakike Old Japanese-style House 旧宮崎家住宅
4. Ome Provincial Museum 青梅郷土博物館
5. Kamanofuchi Park 釜の淵公園
6. Ryuen Bridge 柳淵橋
7. Kyu-Inabake Old Japanese-style House 旧稲葉家住宅
8. Showa Retro Goods Museum 昭和レトロ商品博物館
9. Sumiyoshi Shrine 住吉神社

Course Map (Google Map)