Useful Meeting Place
The Meeting Place
・Exit A4 of Otemachi station
How to get to the station
To get to Otemachi station, you can take a line below.
・(Tokyo Metro) Marunouchi, Tozai, Chiyoda, Hanzomon Line
・(Toei Subway) Mita Line
How to Get to the Meeting Place
From Tokyo Metro Lines or Toei Subway Line
At Otemachi station, five lines are connected, thus the station is the biggest subway station in Tokyo.
It takes from 5 to 10 minutes on foot to get to Exit A4 from platforms.
Exit A4 is close to the ticket gate of Marunouchi line.
If you take other line, please go to the ticket gate of Marunouchi line first.
・Map of Otemachi station
・Picture of the Ticket Gate of Marunouchi Line

・Picturte of Exit A4 of Otemachi Station

From Outside of the Station
The underground walkways are complicated, so it could be easier to find the meeting place if you walk on the ground.
There is a red big object next to the exit A4.
If you walk on the ground, you can use the object as a lnadmark.
・Picturte of the Big Red Object close to Exit A4

Google Map