【Hiking Course Map】Mt. Tonosu & Azuma Gorge – 多峯主山&吾妻峡ハイキングコース

Tokyo Hiking Course Guide


Average Time: 3 hours
Distance: 9 km
Elevation: 271 m
Level: Upper-beginner

About the Course – Mt. Tonosu & Azuma Gorge

Tonosu mountain is located in Chichibu area in Saitama prefecture.
Even though it’s a small mountain (271 meters high), the mountaintop has a wide view and you can see Mt. Fuji and Chichibu mountains.
Iruma river runs at the foot of the mountain. The riverside trail is well-maintained and you can enjoy the view of the gorge.
It takes one hour and a half by train from central Tokyo. It’s a good course for a day hike for Tokyo locals.

Course Map

  1. Hanno Station 飯能駅
  2. Kannon-ji 観音寺
  3. Suwa Hachiman Shrine 諏訪八幡神社
  4. Nonin-ji 能仁寺
  5. Tenranzan Resting Place 天覧山中段
  6. Rakan Statues 十六羅漢像
  7. Tenran-zan Mountain 天覧山 山頂展望台
  8. Mt. Tonosu 多峯主山
  9. Ontake Hachiman Shrine 御嶽八幡神社
  10. Arataki Small Shrine 荒瀧不動明王
  11. Doremifa Bridge ドレミファ橋
  12. Azuma Gorge 吾妻峡
  13. Hanno Riverbank 飯能河原
  14. Wariiwa Bridge 割岩橋

Google Map

【External Links】
Hiking Course Map (Japanese)
Hanno Tourist Info (English)