Tokyo Hiking Course Guide
Average Time: 3 hours
Distance: 9 km
Elevation: 271 m
Level: Upper-beginner
About the Course – Mt. Tonosu & Azuma Gorge
Tonosu mountain is located in Chichibu area in Saitama prefecture.
Even though it’s a small mountain (271 meters high), the mountaintop has a wide view and you can see Mt. Fuji and Chichibu mountains.
Iruma river runs at the foot of the mountain. The riverside trail is well-maintained and you can enjoy the view of the gorge.
It takes one hour and a half by train from central Tokyo. It’s a good course for a day hike for Tokyo locals.
Course Map
- Hanno Station 飯能駅
- Kannon-ji 観音寺
- Suwa Hachiman Shrine 諏訪八幡神社
- Nonin-ji 能仁寺
- Tenranzan Resting Place 天覧山中段
- Rakan Statues 十六羅漢像
- Tenran-zan Mountain 天覧山 山頂展望台
- Mt. Tonosu 多峯主山
- Ontake Hachiman Shrine 御嶽八幡神社
- Arataki Small Shrine 荒瀧不動明王
- Doremifa Bridge ドレミファ橋
- Azuma Gorge 吾妻峡
- Hanno Riverbank 飯能河原
- Wariiwa Bridge 割岩橋
Google Map
【External Links】
・Hiking Course Map (Japanese)
・Hanno Tourist Info (English)