The Shortest Rainy Season Ever!!

Tokyo Day Hike


Rainy season has already finished this year. It was 3 weeks earlier than usual!! It’s the first time in recorded history when the rainy season is over in June.
We went for a day hike on 1st July under the strong sunshine! We didn’t expected it was going to be so hot.
The hike went a little bit tough because of heat and humidity💦 It’s easy to lose your energy on a hot day, but we walked for 10km and took 12,000 steps!! We made it!!
People looked really tired when the hike finished, though, haha.

The Course We Took for This Hike


Tokyo Hiking Course Guide 東京日帰り登山・コースマップ|相模湖・小原宿本陣 Average Time: 4 hoursDistance: 8 kmElevation: 406 mLevel: Uppe[…]

Cotowa – ことわ

Social Events & Activities for International People in Japan

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