Photo Walk
What is your favorite flower?
In late April, azalea flowers are in season. Now you can see the flowers blooming on many streets in Tokyo.
We held a “Photo Walk” event to take photos of azaleas this Sunday. We visited Nezu shrine and joined the azalea flower festival.
Nezu shrine is famous for an Azalea Garden. It was a good day for it. Flowers were in full bloom in the garden!!

The Place We Visited for This Event
Tokyo Park & Garden Guide 東京散策・街歩きガイド|根津神社 Location: Bunkyo Ward, TokyoAccess: Nezu Station (Chiyoda Line) 5 […]
Cotowa – ことわ
Social Events & Activities for International People in Japan
We hold various events and activities like;
Language Exchange, Hiking, Day Trip, Picnic, Photo Walk etc…
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